Biotechnology Research and Innovation Journal
Biotechnology Research and Innovation Journal
Research paper

Antiproliferative potential of Petiveria alliacea L extract-loaded nanodispersion against cancer cells

Ariadna Lafourcade Prada; Jesús Rafael Rodríguez Amado; Eduarda Tibúrcio do Nascimento Reis; Giovana Bicudo; Renata Trentin Perdomo; Marco António Utrera Martines

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Cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of unhealthy cells that invade tissues and organs, causing thousands of deaths worldwide. In this work, a nanodispersion loaded with soft extract of Petiveria alliacea L. was developed for use as an antitumoral. The nanodispersion was prepared using the polymer deposition-solvent displacement method, with Kollicoat MAE 100P as the matrix former polymer. A nanodispersion with a particle size of 147 nm and high homogeneity of size (polydispersity index 0.162) was obtained, along with a ζ-potential of -10.80 mV. The polymer deposition-solvent displacement method allowed for high encapsulation efficiency (86.25%) and high stability on the shelf for a year. The nanodispersion did not show hemolytic effect and inhibited the growth of liver cancer cells (HepG2) with high selectivity (IG50 18.08 μg/mL, SI 13.82). The nanodispersion also showed strong antiproliferation activity and high selectivity against breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231: IG50 28.22 μg/mL, SI 8.85) and kidney cancer cells (786-0: IG50 82.38 μg/mL, SI 3.03). Due to the low values of GI50 and selectivity higher than 3, the polymeric nanodispersion loaded with soft extract of Petiveria alliacea L. can be a promising product for the treatment of these three types of cancer. However, further studies will need to be conducted to investigate its actual usefulness in anticancer therapy.


Nanoparticles; Cytotoxicity; Antiproliferative; Cancer; Petiveria alliacea L.; Kollicoat


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